Bref is rim blocks, it offers hygienic cleanliness and freshness for the toilet. The main advantage of the product to communicate was the product's nice odor during usage. Bref removes bad odor in a toilet and keeps it clean. With the aim of increasing awareness and attention to the brand, the agency was briefed on the digital activity in collaboration with bloggers and influencers. However, TOILET products obviously aren't the most attractive product for communication, especially when it comes to influencer marketing. Influencers didn't want to be associated with the toilet and that’s why they refused to collaborate with Bref.
Let’s accept that we all have a feeling of isolation from the whole world and calmness in THAT room called TOILET!
Even if you are a fancy celebrity, who “never” poops or pees, you willingly spend time in a toilet by scrolling social media, self-reflecting, reading news, commenting on your friend’s posts, and playing games! Bref decided to make your joy time in a toilet better and nicer with its MUST-HAVES gift pack.
All bloggers who received the pack promoted toilet blocks!
ZERO media expenses and all influencers shared BREF on their social media pages for FREE.